
Higashiyama zoo

      Last Sunday, I went to Higashiya zoo with my family. Higashiyama zoo, in which has collected animals around the world, was kind by people. However, fewer and fewer people are visiting the zoo these days and it is faced with financial problems.

The elderly in China

.    The elderly in China are surprisingly active. As one old man there says, "As we get older, we become more enegic, but we think we are still young in mind. They don't want to be forggetn by society as a member of society and desire to take part in society. Old people can be found working in streets, in factories, in construction, and in design offices. Chinese older generation has become an indispensable part of the workforce now.

Powers of self-expression

     Today I read a book about powers of self-expression. The book say that you need to give students essay exams not multiple choice exams if you want them to develop their powers of self-expression. And it also says that students from elementary to high school were given oral tests everyday. For example, the teacher select students at random and made them stand in front of the blackboard and explain something. At first, everyone isn't good at doing it, but they learn to do it gradually.

My grandfather

     Today I went to my grandfather's tomb, so I want to write what my grandfather like is. Although my grandfather didn't even go to high school, he was curios about things like astronomy and physics. After he retired, he spent most of his time in the library reading a lot of books. He was regarded as storage by his family, but it seemed to me as if he were a great scientist who was studying the mysterious of the cosmos.

Advise is difficult !!!!

     When you advise someone,the advise itself is important, but it's also necessary to put yourself in his shoes. However good your advice is, you must choose your words so that he can accept it without difficulty.

Japanese tourism

     "Bakugai" is nominated in Buzzwords-the-year contest. Japanese tourism had a great development in the last 20th century. As the the number of tourists increased, demands for new experiences become more and more complex. As a result, tourists began to look for tourists which would suit their intrests. In conclusion, Japanese tourism suits Chinese people.


Travel Guidebooks

     Today I happened to find a guide book in my room and I read it. So I want to write my thinks of guidebooks. I think travel guidebooks are really enjoyable to read and a little imagination makes me feel as if I were traveling around the places they describe. However, when writers actually traveling, guidebooks are not actually good, if they describe in too much detail. Those guidebooks will relieve me of worries or stress when I am traveling, but at the same time, this may take away the unexpected delight which a small adventure will give me. In conclusion, I like to read travel guidebooks.


Telling lie

I completely agree with the idea that you shouldn't tell lies. For example, imagine that your friends turns up in an odd-looking jacket clearly out of fashion when you are going to a formal party. Moreover, he thinks he looks fine. What do you say if he should ask you how he looks? If you hesitate to be honest and say his jacket is cool, he may later feel betrayed if he is laughed at by others at the party. It may even cause your friendship to collapse. You should remember a little "white lie" is not really helpful in the long run.


People always learn from their mistakes

      I believe that people always learn from mistakes. Take science and technology for example. To the best of my knowledge, people who created incredible techniques or invented wonderful machine, without machines, without exception, made a lot of mistakes and failed to achieve what they wanted at first, but they learned from their mistakes and they got what they aimed at in the end. All the splendid medical techniques now available in the most advanced hospitals and the space shuttles going back and forth between the earth and space are among such examples. I think these examples show that people show that people can learn from their past mistakes.


Things Japanese University Students Should do

     First,we Japanese university students should visit as many foreign countries as possible. It will broaden our minds and the knowledge that is gained through firsthand experiences will bring them many  advantages in our increasingly globalized world. Besides, once we start working in Japan, where most people put more emphasis on work than on leisure activities, there will be only a few chances for foreign travel. In conclusion , these two reasons make it very desirable that Japanese university students should travel abroad.
     Second, Japanese students, most of whom must start job hunting when they become juniors, should experience working part time during their first and second years. By working, they can meet many people from various backgrounds and learn the kinds of skills they can not learn in classrooms, and realize the difficulty and significance of being a worker in society. Such experiences, along with their students, will help them decide what kind of occupation to have after graduation.


I think ordinary people should no longer own cars

     Today I saw the discussion on TV;ordinary people should no longer own cars today. So I want to express my opinion.
     I agree with the view that people should no longer have their own cars. The world is already using too much oil, and this is causing global warming and changes in the climate, as well as noise pollution and air pollution. But more and more people in more and more countries wish to own cars. It is wrong for people in some countries but not others to own cars, so the best solution is to step ordinary people everywhere from owning cars, though for some people a car is essential. And we need to to improve public transport a great deal,
     I think learning history is good. First, people often say that history repeats itself; there are not completely new situations. Second, I think that without learning the past, we might make the same mistakes ourselves; war ,persecution and pressure of thought. Finally, only if we learn these lessons will we be able to survive and make a better future. In conclusion, I think we should learn history.


My thought for English

     I would like to be better at speaking English. I think that this is the one that most Japanese students lack. During our English classes, we spend a lot of time reading English sentences and passages, and studying written English in general. We also practice writing in English, sometimes translating Japanese sentences and sometimes composing passages ourselves. And we have listening comprehension lessons, so we can understand spoken English to a certain extent. But we almost never have an opportunity to practice speaking, so that we can improve our English accents. It is not possible, in high school classes, for all the students to practice conversation with the teacher or ALT; there is not enough time. As a result, I, like most of other students, can read English quite well, and can write in English well enough to make myself understood, but can not keep up a conversation in English. I may be able to understand, but when it comes to speaking, I am at a loss.

The subject I want to study!!!

     While I am a university student, I want to study philosophy. Although studying philosophy will not help me to find great wealth or a secure job, it may help me to be happy or contented. Many people make great sacrifices for the sake of money or high status, only to find that they are unhappy in spite of their wealth or position. And everyone experiences ups and downs in life;it is important to learn how to be happy even when life is hard. I believe that studying philosophy will help me to understand what is really important in life. So I want to study it.


My Dream!!!

     I want to be a Japanese history teacher. It is often said that history repeats itself. In other words, there are no truly new situations; ever kind of situation has happened before. By studying history, we can see how the people of the past solved problems similar to the problems we face today. And by learning about the mistakes of the past, we can avoid making the same mistakes ourselves. Only if human beings learn these lessons will we be able to survive and make a better future. So someday I want to tell my students Japanese history that I am going to major in.


     Today I want to write what I want to do after graduating from college and my dream . I want to travel abroad after graduating from college. I hope to visit developing countries rather than so-called advanced countries. It is not easy to do this on ones own, so I hope to join an organization which helps people in developing countries, and I hope they will offer me a job or accept me as a volunteer. Because I have been to English conversation classes for several years,I will probably be able to communicate with people aboard. This will broaden my knowledge of the world;it is very important to be conscious of economic inequality in the world these days.And when I graduate from university,I also want to take a three months holiday before starting work. I plant to walk all around the coast of Hokkaido, covering perhaps thirty or forty kilometers a day. There is beautiful scenery in many parts of Japan, but I particularly like Hokkaido. Up to now,I have no opportunity for this kind of long walk, and once I start my long walking life, I will be too busy. So this is my only chance. It will be physically tiring, so I have been training since last summer. I walk for one hour at least three evenings a week,and if I have time, I go for a month longer walk weekends.


My 1week!!!

     Thursday. I went to my club activity, table tennis. I practiced DORAIBU and TIKITA.They are very,very,very difficult technic!!! DORAIBU is the most core technic. It is used most often in a game. So I practice it everyday.And TIKITA is a technic that I have practiced since I became university student. This technic is a key technic. But it is one of the most difficult technic. Friday, I studied Chinese history. I like Japanese history. But I think only studying Japanese history is not very good. This is because even if I do so, I can't understand essential part. However, if I study Chinese history that influences Japanese history, I can understand Japanese history more deeply. So I want to study Chinese history.Saturday I studied Chinese.this is because I have to study for Tuesday mini test.This mini test is difficult. Content of this test is expression of money.Because this is difficult from Japanese expression, it's difficult to understand it. But I think studying Chinese helps understanding Chinese history. Thus I can study hard. Today, I attended marathon festival. I run 6km! I was very, very,very tired! But the exercise made me feel good. I thought exercise was good. After marathon festival, I went to dinner with my friends. I ate okonomiyaki. It was very delicious. This is my one week. Next time I want to introduce my next week...


     I went to have a dinner with my friends. I had Italian spaghetti! It was very,very,very delicious!!!
And I taiked with my friends a lot;studying, club activity, part time and so on. It was great fun time!

     Today I attended Japanese history class. In the class, I talked with my Chinese friend. She studies Japanese hard. But she had  Japanese things that she can't understand. So I told her it . She looked happy! And I was also happy!


club activity

     Today, I went to club activity,table tennis.
Today is game activity.I played better than
six month ago. So I am happy.